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TerraCycle® is a social enterprise Eliminating the Idea of Waste®. We have found that nearly everything we touch can be recycled and collect typically non-recyclable items through national, first-of-their-kind recycling platforms.


TerraCycle is tagged in 89 stories. Page 4 of 5.
5 Types of Sustainable Products to Follow in 2015 and Beyond
5 Types of Sustainable Products to Follow in 2015 and Beyond

8 years ago - The global Sustainable Brands community continues to impress and inspire with the growing levels of creativity companies are applying in their sustainability efforts, especially when it comes to elevating the level of priority of environmental and social criteria in product innovation processes. Products with a purpose are popping up in many shapes and forms, and many of them are proving they can perform really well financially.

5 Types of Sustainability Marketing Tactics Corporate Execs Need to Understand, and Utilize, Better
5 Types of Sustainability Marketing Tactics Corporate Execs Need to Understand, and Utilize, Better

8 years ago - Sustainability marketing is a strange and special animal. To be effective, it needs to popularize the work of sustainability teams, which tends to be based on rigorous systems thinking, carefully and scientifically considering the whole picture before suggesting ways to improve it. And of course, sustainability marketing also needs to be as sexy and appealing as successful mainstream marketing. Striking that kind of balance is not easy, and there certainly has been significant progress over the last few years. At the same time, there still are some important sustainability marketing tactics that are not understood and adopted well enough.

How Marketing and Social Action Can Bring Back Recycling
How Marketing and Social Action Can Bring Back Recycling

8 years ago - A cloud seems to be looming over the recycling industry today. No matter where you turn, the reigning attitude seems about the same — the future of recycling is in trouble.

'Human Resources,' Season 2 (or How TerraCycle Hopes to Pave the Way for 'Green' on Reality TV)
'Human Resources,' Season 2 (or How TerraCycle Hopes to Pave the Way for 'Green' on Reality TV)

8 years ago - The television remains one of the most vital tools available to “green” marketers. From product placement to paid commercial spots, getting your product, service or mission featured on TV is an invaluable way to bring your company’s messaging directly into people’s living rooms. Unfortunately that precious ad space isn’t cheap, and for smaller, purpose-driven companies such as TerraCycle, the costs are simply too high. Even so, that hasn’t stopped us from trying to secure our own fair share of the TV spotlight.

Can a Book Help to Market Your Mission?
Can a Book Help to Market Your Mission?

8 years ago - TerraCycle has always approached marketing in an unconventional way. We have to, really, considering the success of our business model is dependent on how engaged and motivated our consumers are. In a world with so many conflicts and globally relevant issues, getting people to realize the scope and scale of some of our most serious environmental issues is always an uphill battle.

Philips, Dell, ASU Discuss How to Fill Existing Gaps in Shift Toward Circular Business Models
Philips, Dell, ASU Discuss How to Fill Existing Gaps in Shift Toward Circular Business Models

8 years ago - This #SB15sd Wednesday afternoon session on the circular economy convened a frank and open discussion about what is working, and what isn’t, when it comes to tweaking existing business ecosystems to accommodate circular models. Panelists compared notes on attempts to create new models, highlighted existing gaps, and discussed their visions for potential solutions.

How Do We Create the Sustainable Leaders That We Need? Start by Inspiring Kids to Recycle
How Do We Create the Sustainable Leaders That We Need? Start by Inspiring Kids to Recycle

8 years ago - Survey data indicates that, compared to older generations, younger generations are more supportive of environmental legislation and the notion that global climate change is the result of human activity, yet are simultaneously less likely to recycle or recognize the benefits of recycling. This is a disparity we should all be concerned with, as these are the individuals that will one day become our future social entrepreneurs, conscious consumers, and environmental activists.

This Year's Inspired Leadership Award Highlighting the New 'Breed of Leadership Business Needs'
This Year's Inspired Leadership Award Highlighting the New 'Breed of Leadership Business Needs'

8 years ago - Last week, seven young nominees were announced for the 2015 Inspired Leadership Award (ILA), an annual prize recognizing leaders with the potential to positively impact lives on a global scale for generations to come.

Bevy of Brands Partnering With NGOs to Fund Conservation During Earth Month
Bevy of Brands Partnering With NGOs to Fund Conservation During Earth Month

9 years ago - April is Earth Month, and brands are announcing programs to inspire participation in environmental activities and funding campaigns.

To Recycle or Not to Recycle: The Economics of Garbage
To Recycle or Not to Recycle: The Economics of Garbage

9 years ago - People are confused about recycling because they complain that the entire process – from labeling, to which bin is which, to what your municipality accepts - makes it difficult to determine a material’s recyclability. This issue is especially common when consumers are dealing with some of the more complicated recyclable materials such as plastics, but the question persists: What exactly makes a material recyclable or not? Two very different lenses are often used to determine this: science and economics. Which of these factors is more relevant in revealing a material’s chance of being recyclable? Or is it a combination of both?

Why Durable Bioplastics, Not Biodegradable, May Be the Answer
Why Durable Bioplastics, Not Biodegradable, May Be the Answer

9 years ago - To conclude this series about bioplastics and the biodegradability (or lack thereof) of plastic products and packaging, I want to discuss the future of what I consider to be one of the only viable alternatives to plastics derived from non-renewable resources: durable bioplastics.

The Myth of Biodegradability in Plastic Consumer Products and Packaging
The Myth of Biodegradability in Plastic Consumer Products and Packaging

9 years ago - In my last post regarding the long-term viability of bio-based polymers, I touched on some of the primary concerns we face regarding the rise of plastics labeled as “biodegradable.” It’s an important component of this broad discussion, and one that has become increasingly relevant in an increasingly sustainability-driven product market.

P&G, Terracycle Challenging Canadians to Keep Home Care Waste Out of Landfills
P&G, Terracycle Challenging Canadians to Keep Home Care Waste Out of Landfills

9 years ago - A new initiative from Procter & Gamble’s Febreze air freshener and TerraCycle is challenging Canadians across the nation to recycle everything from used air fresheners to Swiffer packaging for $5,000 in prize money, to be donated to the school or charity of the winner’s choice. It's all part of Terracycle’s new Air and Home Care Brigade, the company's latest collection program that aims to divert from landfills all packaging waste associated with home cleaning, enabling consumers to recycle previously non-recyclable material for the first time.

Garnier® And TerraCycle® Announce Winner Of Local Community Garden Made From Recycled Beauty Packaging
Garnier® And TerraCycle® Announce Winner Of Local Community Garden Made From Recycled Beauty Packaging

9 years ago - NEW YORK, July 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- After transforming over 1,500 pounds of recycled personal care waste into a one-of-a-kind Garnier Green Garden in Harlem and overhauling a garden at a special needs school in the Bronx, Garnier and TerraCycle took their eco efforts on the road with the "Where Should Our Garden Grow?" campaign to award one recipient with a new community garden. After a public voting period, The ReFresh Project of New Orleans has been named the winner.  

Recycle Across America, Participant Media Determined to Get Us to 'Recycle Right!'
Recycle Across America, Participant Media Determined to Get Us to 'Recycle Right!'

9 years ago - Recycle Across America® (RAA), a nonprofit that has developed the first and only society-wide standardized labeling system for recycling bins to help eliminate the public confusion surrounding recycling, has joined forces with Participant Media on a social action campaign called Recycle Right!, focused on transforming recycling and improving the economics and prevalence of sustainable packaging and manufacturing.

'Make It, Take It' Campaign Pressuring Companies to Take Responsibility for Packaging Waste
'Make It, Take It' Campaign Pressuring Companies to Take Responsibility for Packaging Waste

9 years ago - A coalition of organizations devoted to waste and recycling, plastic pollution and resource conservation today launched the Make It, Take It Campaign, a collaborative effort to pressure consumer goods companies to take responsibility for packaging waste. Coordinated by UPSTREAM and backed by organizations including 5 Gyres, Clean Water Action, Green America and the National Resources Defense Council, the campaign aims to elevate the issue of packaging waste, put public pressure on consumer goods companies and educate and mobilize citizens to push for sustainable packaging policies.

With Timbuk2’s 'Life Cycle,' Customers Can Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Reimagine Its Products
With Timbuk2’s 'Life Cycle,' Customers Can Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Reimagine Its Products

9 years ago - San Francisco-based Timbuk2, famous for its ubiquitous messenger bags, has launched the Timbuk2 Life Cycle — a robust environmental responsibility program to reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, and reimagine Timbuk2 bags — in partnership with yerdle, iFixit, and Terracycle.The company has also added a full-time tailor to implement the ‘repair’ aspect of the program.

Could the Scourge of the Seas Help Defeat the Scourge of the Landfill?
Could the Scourge of the Seas Help Defeat the Scourge of the Landfill?

9 years ago - We all know climate change and pollution are beginning to wreak havoc around the world in a variety of ways. In tropical and Mediterranean areas, higher oceanic acidity and warmer temperatures in recent years have created, among other things, a proliferation of pesky and increasingly invasive jellyfish, which are clogging up industrial piping systems, frustrating fishermen, and stinging and creeping-out beach-goers.

Over 75% of Unilever's Factories Achieve Zero Waste to Landfill
Over 75% of Unilever's Factories Achieve Zero Waste to Landfill

9 years ago - Unilever announced today that all of its European factories have joined those in North America in achieving zero non-hazardous waste to landfill. Along with similar achievements in countries from Argentina to Indonesia, this means more than three-quarters of the company’s global factory network no longer sends such waste to landfill, up from 20 percent just three years ago.

Terracycle's New Zero Waste Boxes Helping Companies Recycle at the Factory Level
Terracycle's New Zero Waste Boxes Helping Companies Recycle at the Factory Level

10 years ago - Terracycle has been making it easy for people and businesses throughout North America to reduce consumer product waste through its dozens of “Brigades” that collect previously non-recyclable or hard to recycle waste — everything from Brita filters and CLIF bar wrappers to binders, cell phones and shoes — since 2007. Now the company’s new Zero Waste boxes are helping tackle miscellaneous discarded items in factories, such as earplugs and hairnets.